Creativo LLLP RTN e-End RTN Good Used Electronics - 7118 Geoffrey Way - Unit E

Contact Information
7118 Geoffrey Way - Unit E, Frederick, MD 21704, United States

More Information

e-End is one of the most respected companies in the Maryland,Virginia,& Pennsylvania regions due to having achieved NAID’s AAA requirements in specialized destruction services such as Hard drives & SSDs,optical,film and all other non-paper media destruction – which only 3 other companies world-wide have successfully done. Because of this,we are constantly the top choice in Electronics Recycling and Data Destruction Services that has a reputation of well exceeding expectations. We even take it a step further and encourage our clients to watch us perform our services to show how cutting edge the process is. We want our clients to be 150% satisfied – because 100% is not enough for us.

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Audio EquipmentBoomboxesCables
Cassette PlayersCassette TapesCD Players
CDsCell Phone AccessoriesCell Phones
Computer PeripheralsCRT Computer MonitorsCRT Televisions
Desktop ComputersDigital CamerasDVD Players
DVDsElectronicsFloppy Disks
GPS SystemsHard DrivesInkjet Cartridges
IP TelephonesLaptop ComputersLCD Computer Monitors
LCD Flatscreen TelevisionsMP3 PlayersPagers
Paper ShreddersPower ToolsPrinters
ReceiversRecord PlayersScanners
Tapes-Video / VHSTelephonesTelevision Accessories
ToastersToner CartridgesTwo-Way Radios