Didion Orf Recycling Inc - 206 Didion Dr

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At Didion Orf Recycling Inc we understand that to some metal is just something that goes on buildings bridges or other structures. Many don’t understand how it is created or the life span that it will have. We do and we know that most metal will just end up sitting around wasting away and causing damage. That’s why we care about making sure that we recycle as much metal scrap and electronic material as we possibly can.

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AluminumAudio EquipmentBoomboxes
BrassCablesCassette Players
CD PlayersCell Phone AccessoriesCell Phones
Computer PeripheralsCopperCRT Computer Monitors
CRT TelevisionsDehumidifiersDesktop Computers
Digital CamerasDVD PlayersElectronics
GPS SystemsHard DrivesHeaters
HoverboardsHumidifiersIP Telephones
IronLaptop ComputersLCD Computer Monitors
LCD Flatscreen TelevisionsLeadMetals
MP3 PlayersPagersPaper Shredders
Power ToolsPrintersProjection Televisions
ProjectorsReceiversRecord Players
TelephonesTelevision AccessoriesToasters
Two-Way RadiosVCRsVideo Game Consoles
Video Game PeripheralsZinc