Ewaste Eplantet - 2775 Bankers Industrial Drive Suite E

Contact Information
2775 Bankers Industrial Drive Suite E, Atlanta, GA 30360, United States

More Information

Founded in May 2013 eWaste ePlanet is a privately owned company working to promote global (planetary) electronics recycling. Staffed by highly trained and professional specialists we have over 10 years of experience in the fields of technology logistics recycling e-waste drives and event planning.

Material Accepted
Residential Drop-off Residential Pickup Business Drop-off Business Pickup

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Audio EquipmentBoomboxesCables
Cassette PlayersCD PlayersCell Phone Accessories
Cell PhonesComputer PeripheralsCRT Computer Monitors
CRT TelevisionsDesktop ComputersDigital Cameras
DVD PlayersElectronicsGPS Systems
Hard DrivesHumidifiersInkjet Cartridges
IP TelephonesLaptop ComputersLCD Computer Monitors
LCD Flatscreen TelevisionsMicrowavesMP3 Players
PagersPaper ShreddersPower Tools
PrintersProjection TelevisionsProjectors
ReceiversRecord PlayersScanners
TabletsTelephonesTelevision Accessories
ToastersToner CartridgesTwo-Way Radios
TypewritersVacuum CleanersVCRs
Video Game ConsolesVideo Game Peripherals