Mudek Trucking & J J Recycling - 607 Barge Channel Rd

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Welcome to Mudek Trucking & J J Recycling. We provide waste disposal dumpster delivery and recycling services for residential and commercial customers in the Minneapolis and St Paul MN areas.

Material Accepted
Residential Drop-off Residential Pickup Business Drop-off Business Pickup

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#1 Plastic Beverage Bottles#1 Plastic Non-Beverage Bottles#2 Plastic Bottles
#2 Plastic Jugs-Clear#2 Plastic Jugs-Colored#3 PVC
#4 LDPE#5 PolyPropylene#6 Styrofoam (polystyrene)
#7 OtherABSAcrylic
Acrylonitrile ButadieneAlloysAluminum
Arts and Crafts SuppliesAsphaltAsphalt Shingles
Audio EquipmentBambooBeverage Container / CRV
Blue Glass Beverage ContainersBlue Glass ContainersBoomboxes
Brown Glass Beverage ContainersBrown Glass ContainersCables
CapsCarbide tipsCarpet
Carpet PaddingCassette PlayersCassette Tapes
CD PlayersCDsCeiling Tile
Cell Phone AccessoriesCell PhonesCeramic Tile
ChromeClear Glass Beverage ContainersClear Glass Containers
Compostable PlasticsComputer PeripheralsConcrete
ConstructionConstruction DebrisConstruction Materials
Contaminated SoilContaminated WoodCopper
Corrugated CardboardCottonCRT Computer Monitors
CRT TelevisionsCurling IronsDehumidifiers
Desktop ComputersDigital CamerasDirt
DVD PlayersDVDsElastane
FiberglassFirewall EquipmentsFloppy Disks
GlassGPS SystemsGreen Glass Beverage Containers
Green Glass ContainersGreeting CardsGrocery Bag
Hard DrivesHardwareHeaters
HempHIPSHousehold Furniture
HoverboardsHumidifiersInkjet Cartridges
IP TelephonesIronJunk Mail
KevlarLaptop ComputersLatex
LCD Computer MonitorsLCD Flatscreen TelevisionsLead
LeatherLight FixtureLights Ballasts
Medical Equipment-HandheldMedical Equipment-LargeMetals
MicrowavesMilk/Juice CartonsMiscellaneous Metals
Mixed PaperMP3 PlayersMulti-wall Paper Bags
Neon LightNeopreneNetwork Switches
NewspaperNickelNon-corrugated Cardboard
NylonOffice PaperOffice Partition
OvensPacking PeanutsPagers
Paper BagsPaper CupsPaper Labels
Paper ShreddersPaper SleevesPaperback Books
PaperboardPhone BooksPlastics
PolyurethanePorcelain ProductsPower Tools
PrintersProjection TelevisionsProjectors
Record PlayersRigid PlasticRoofing Materials
Scrap JewleryServersShoes
Shredded PaperSilkSolder
SpandexStainless SteelSteel
Tapes-DLTTapes-LTOTapes-Video / VHS
TelephonesTelevision AccessoriesTextiles
TinToastersToner Cartridges
Two-Way RadiosTypewritersUsed Clothing
Vacuum CleanersVCRsVideo Game Cartridges
Video Game ConsolesVideo Game PeripheralsVinyl Records
WashersWashing MachinesWet-Strength Paperboard
WindowsWoodWood Furnishings