Northwest Recycling Inc. - 1419 C St

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At Northwest Recycling we are committed to providing recycling solutions that keep recyclable materials out of landfills and getting it into the hands of processors that create new materials out of your used materials.

Material Accepted
Residential Drop-off Residential Pickup Business Drop-off Business Pickup

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#1 Plastic Beverage Bottles#1 Plastic Non-Beverage Bottles#2 Plastic Bottles
#2 Plastic Jugs-Clear#2 Plastic Jugs-Colored#3 PVC
#4 LDPE#5 PolyPropylene#6 Styrofoam (polystyrene)
#7 OtherAir ConditionersAlkaline Batteries
BrassBronzeButton Cell Batteries
Car BatteriesCopperElectronics
FreezersHazardous WasteIron
LeadLead-acid Batteries-Non AutomotiveLithium Batteries
Lithium-ion BatteriesMarine BatteriesMetals
MicrowavesMixed PaperMulti-wall Paper Bags
NewspaperNickel-cadmium BatteriesNickel-metal Hydride Batteries
Nickel-zinc BatteriesNon-corrugated CardboardOffice Paper
OvensPaperPaper Bags
Paper CupsPaper LabelsPaper Sleeves
Paperback BooksPaperboardPhone Books
Shredded PaperSilver-oxide BatteriesStainless Steel
UPS BatteriesWashersWashing Machines
Wet-Strength PaperboardZincZinc-air Batteries
Zinc-carbon Batteries