Perry County Recycling Center - 5193 MO-51

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The mission of Perryville Public Works is to effectively maintain and develop public infrastructure within the City of Perryville while using the utmost efficiency. We provide essential services in the operation maintenance and preservation of City water sewer street and natural gas systems as well as providing refuse removal and vehicle maintenance. We at the Public Works department strive to ensure that Perryville can grow and develop enhancing the quality of life for our residents businesses and visitors in the most practical safe a

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#1 Plastic Beverage Bottles#1 Plastic Non-Beverage Bottles#2 Plastic Bottles
#2 Plastic Jugs-Clear#2 Plastic Jugs-ColoredAlkaline Batteries
AluminumAluminum CanArts and Crafts Supplies
Audio EquipmentAutomotiveBatteries
Beverage Container / CRVBeverage Container / CRVBlue Glass Beverage Containers
Blue Glass ContainersBoomboxesBrown Glass Beverage Containers
Brown Glass ContainersButton Cell BatteriesCables
Car BatteriesCassette PlayersCD Players
Cell Phone AccessoriesCell PhonesClear Glass Beverage Containers
Clear Glass ContainersCompostable PlasticsComputer Peripherals
Cooking OilCorrugated CardboardCRT Computer Monitors
CRT TelevisionsCurling IronsDehumidifiers
Desktop ComputersDigital CamerasDVD Players
GPS SystemsGreen Glass Beverage ContainersGreen Glass Containers
Greeting CardsHard DrivesHazardous Waste
Hydraulic FluidIP TelephonesJunk Mail
Laptop ComputersLCD Computer MonitorsLCD Flatscreen Televisions
Lead-acid Batteries-Non AutomotiveLithium BatteriesLithium-ion Batteries
Magazines/CatalougesMarine BatteriesMedical Equipment-Handheld
Medical Equipment-LargeMetalsMicrowaves
Milk/Juice CartonsMixed PaperMotor Oil
MP3 PlayersMulti-wall Paper BagsNewspaper
Nickel-cadmium BatteriesNickel-metal Hydride BatteriesNickel-zinc Batteries
Non-corrugated CardboardOffice PaperPagers
PaperPaper BagsPaper Cups
Paper LabelsPaper ShreddersPaper Sleeves
Paperback BooksPaperboardPhone Books
PlasticsPower ToolsPrinters
Projection TelevisionsProjectorsReceivers
Record PlayersScannersShredded Paper
Silver-oxide BatteriesTabletsTelephones
Television AccessoriesTinToasters
Transmission FluidTwo-Way RadiosTypewriters
Used OilVacuum CleanersVCRs
Video Game ConsolesVideo Game PeripheralsZinc-air Batteries
Zinc-carbon Batteries