Contact Information
4101 W 42nd Place, Chicago, Illinois 60632, United States

More Information

RDI,Inc is a full-service electronics recycler. We provide data security,scrap purchasing,and IT asset disposition services. Our facility located in the Chicago,IL. With the concern of the electronic recycling,we decide to follow and register with the R2,ISO 14001,and OHSAS 18001 standard. We have full service of IT solutions from evaluation,logistic,and processing. We have the full processing line. We follow the standard and not landfill the electronic waste. RDI,Inc is constantly to produce an environment-friendly,cost-effective,and reliable service to electronic assets by our professional team.

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Audio EquipmentBatteriesBoomboxes
CablesCassette PlayersCassette Tapes
CD PlayersCDsCell Phone Accessories
Cell PhonesComputer PeripheralsCRT Computer Monitors
CRT TelevisionsCurling IronsDehumidifiers
Desktop ComputersDigital CamerasDVD Players
DVDsElectronicsFloppy Disks
GPS SystemsHard DrivesHeaters
HoverboardsHumidifiersInkjet Cartridges
IP TelephonesLaptop ComputersLCD Computer Monitors
LCD Flatscreen TelevisionsLead-acid Batteries-Non AutomotiveLithium Batteries
Lithium-ion BatteriesMedical Equipment-HandheldMedical Equipment-Large
MicrowavesMP3 PlayersPagers
Paper ShreddersPower ToolsPrinters
Projection TelevisionsProjectorsReceivers
Record PlayersScannersTablets
Tapes-DLTTapes-LTOTapes-Video / VHS
TelephonesTelevision AccessoriesToasters
Toner CartridgesTwo-Way RadiosTypewriters
Vacuum CleanersVCRsVideo Game Cartridges
Video Game ConsolesVideo Game PeripheralsVinyl Records