RSR Partners,LLC dba Regency Technologies

Contact Information
11600 S. Burley Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60017, United States

More Information

When it was founded in 1998,Regency was primarily focused on IT refurbishment and remarketing. Through the years,Regency has expanded into all facets of IT asset conversion and recycling. As an established industry leader,Regency continuously strives to innovate with client-specific solutions aimed at extending IT device lifecycles while maximizing value to our partners. Our commitment to developing and adhering to best-in-class processes from the point of pickup through final disposition keeps Regency at the forefront of industry developments and improvements. Regency’s footprint,encompassing seven facilities and more than 1,000 employees,enables us to handle large volumes of material,no matter where they are located.

Material Accepted
Residential Drop-off Residential Pickup Business Drop-off Business Pickup

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Audio EquipmentBatteriesBoomboxes
CablesCassette PlayersCassette Tapes
CD PlayersCDsCell Phone Accessories
Cell PhonesComputer PeripheralsCRT Computer Monitors
CRT TelevisionsCurling IronsDehumidifiers
Desktop ComputersDigital CamerasDVD Players
DVDsElectronicsFloppy Disks
GPS SystemsHard DrivesHeaters
HoverboardsHumidifiersInkjet Cartridges
IP TelephonesLaptop ComputersLCD Computer Monitors
LCD Flatscreen TelevisionsLead-acid Batteries-Non AutomotiveLithium Batteries
Lithium-ion BatteriesMedical Equipment-HandheldMedical Equipment-Large
MicrowavesMP3 PlayersPagers
Paper ShreddersPower ToolsPrinters
Projection TelevisionsProjectorsReceivers
Record PlayersScannersTablets
Tapes-DLTTapes-LTOTapes-Video / VHS
TelephonesTelevision AccessoriesToasters
Toner CartridgesTwo-Way RadiosTypewriters
Vacuum CleanersVCRsVideo Game Cartridges
Video Game ConsolesVideo Game PeripheralsVinyl Records