Southeastern Data - 6855 Presidents Dr

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Southeastern Data is a certified electronics recycler who has demonstrated through audits (and other means) that we continually meet specific high environmental standards to safely aggregate manage and recycle used electronics.

Material Accepted
Residential Drop-off Residential Pickup Business Drop-off Business Pickup

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Audio EquipmentBoomboxesCables
Cassette PlayersCassette TapesCD Players
Cell Phone AccessoriesCell PhonesComputer Peripherals
CRT Computer MonitorsCRT TelevisionsCurling Irons
ElectronicsGPS SystemsHard Drives
Inkjet CartridgesIP TelephonesLaptop Computers
LCD Computer MonitorsLCD Flatscreen TelevisionsMP3 Players
PagersPaper ShreddersPrinters
Projection TelevisionsProjectorsReceivers
Record PlayersScannersTablets
TelephonesTelevision AccessoriesToner Cartridges
Two-Way RadiosVCRsVideo Game Cartridges
Video Game ConsolesVideo Game Peripherals