Tex-Mex Recycling

Contact Information

More Information

Tex-Mex Recycling is the only McAllen R2 ISO 9001 ISO 14001 and ISO 18001 facility. We are an IMMEX company in complaince with Semarnat in Mexico and are ROHS compliant.

Material Accepted
Residential Drop-off Residential Pickup Business Drop-off Business Pickup

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#1 Plastic Beverage Bottles#1 Plastic Non-Beverage Bottles#2 Plastic Bottles
#2 Plastic Jugs-Clear#2 Plastic Jugs-Colored#3 PVC
#4 LDPE#5 PolyPropylene#6 Styrofoam (polystyrene)
#7 OtherABSAcrylic
Acrylonitrile ButadieneAlloysAluminum
Audio EquipmentBeverage Container / CRVBoomboxes
CapsCarbide tipsCassette Players
Cassette TapesCD PlayersCDs
Cell Phone AccessoriesCell PhonesChrome
Compostable PlasticsComputer PeripheralsCopper
CRT Computer MonitorsCRT TelevisionsCurling Irons
DehumidifiersDesktop ComputersDigital Cameras
DVD PlayersDVDsElectronics
FiberglassFloppy DisksGPS Systems
Grocery BagHard DrivesHeaters
Inkjet CartridgesIP TelephonesIron
Laptop ComputersLCD Computer MonitorsLCD Flatscreen Televisions
LeadMedical Equipment-HandheldMedical Equipment-Large
MetalsMicrowavesMiscellaneous Metals
MP3 PlayersNeopreneNickel
NylonPacking PeanutsPagers
PalladiumPaper ShreddersPlastics
Power ToolsPrintersProjection Televisions
ProjectorsReceiversRecord Players
Rigid PlasticScannersScrap Jewlery
Tapes-DLTTapes-LTOTapes-Video / VHS
TelephonesTelevision AccessoriesTin
ToastersToner CartridgesTwo-Way Radios
TypewritersVacuum CleanersVCRs
Video Game CartridgesVideo Game ConsolesVideo Game Peripherals
Vinyl RecordsZinc