Treasure Coast Electronic Recycling - 1621 SW Buffum Ln

Contact Information
1621 SW Buffum Ln, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34984, United States

More Information

We recycle out of date or broken computers and other electronics and provide data destruction of your hard drive for no charge. I hope to share information about electronics recycling and the necessity of securing the data on your computer before recycling it. We offer free hard drive crushing when we recycle your computer. Free pickup too. Give us a call today and see what we can do for you free of charge.

Material Accepted
Residential Drop-off Residential Pickup Business Drop-off Business Pickup

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Audio EquipmentBoomboxesCables
Cassette PlayersCassette TapesCD Players
CDsCell Phone AccessoriesCell Phones
Computer PeripheralsCRT Computer MonitorsCRT Televisions
DehumidifiersDesktop ComputersDigital Cameras
DVD PlayersDVDsElectronics
Floppy DisksGPS SystemsHard Drives
Inkjet CartridgesIP TelephonesLaptop Computers
LCD Computer MonitorsLCD Flatscreen TelevisionsMedical Equipment-Handheld
Medical Equipment-LargeMicrowavesMP3 Players
PagersPaper ShreddersPower Tools
PrintersProjection TelevisionsProjectors
ReceiversRecord PlayersScanners
Tapes-Video / VHSTelephonesTelevision Accessories
ToastersToner CartridgesTwo-Way Radios
TypewritersVacuum CleanersVCRs
Video Game CartridgesVideo Game ConsolesVideo Game Peripherals