Central Transfer and Recycling Center - 11034 NE 117th Ave

Contact Information

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You may haul garbage recycling and household hazardous waste to any of the three transfer stations in Clark County:

Material Accepted
Residential Drop-off Residential Pickup Business Drop-off Business Pickup

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#1 Plastic Beverage Bottles#1 Plastic Non-Beverage Bottles#2 Plastic Bottles
#2 Plastic Jugs-Clear#2 Plastic Jugs-ColoredAcids
AdhesivesAerosol Cans-FullAir Conditioners
Aluminum CanAntifreezeArts and Crafts Supplies
AsbestosAudio EquipmentAutomotive
BasesBatteriesBeer Can
Beverage Container / CRVBi-Metal Beverage ContainerBleach
Blue Glass Beverage ContainersBlue Glass ContainersBoomboxes
BranchesBrown Glass Beverage ContainersBrown Glass Containers
BrushButton Cell BatteriesCables
Car & Marine BatteriesCar & Truck TiresCassette Players
Cassette TapesCD PlayersCDs
Cell Phone AccessoriesCell PhonesCFLs
Chemistry SetsChristmas TreesClear Glass Beverage Containers
Clear Glass ContainersCompact Fluorescent Bulbs (CFL)Computer Peripherals
ConstructionControlled SubstanceCooking Oil
Corrugated CardboardCRT Computer MonitorsCRT Televisions
Curling IronsDegreaserDehumidifiers
Desktop ComputersDigital CamerasDirt
DryersDVD PlayersDVDs
ElectronicsEngine DegreasersEnvelopes
Exit Signs (That Contain Tritium)ExplosivesFertilizers
Fire ExtinguishersFirewall EquipmentsFloppy Disks
Fluorescent TubesFreezersGarden
GlassGlass Beverage ContainerGPS Systems
Grass ClippingsGreen Glass Beverage ContainersGreen Glass Containers
Greeting CardsHard DrivesHay
Hazardous WasteHeatersHoverboards
HumidifiersInkjet CartridgesIP Telephones
Juice CartonJuice Container-#2 HDPEJunk Mail
Laptop ComputersLCD Computer MonitorsLCD Flatscreen Televisions
ManureMedical Equipment-HandheldMedical Equipment-Large
Mercury ThermometerMercury-Vapor Lamps (HID)Metal-Halide Lamps (HID)
MicrowavesMilk CartonMilk Container-#2 HDPE
Milk/Juice CartonsMixed PaperMP3 Players
Multi-wall Paper BagsNetwork SwitchesNewspaper
Non-corrugated CardboardOffice PaperOvens
Paper BagsPaper CupsPaper Labels
Paper ShreddersPaper SleevesPaperback Books
PaperboardPest BaitPhone Books
Photographic ChemicalsPlastic Bottle Container-#1 PETPlastics
PoisonsPower ToolsPrinters
Projection TelevisionsProjectorsReactives
ReceiversRecord PlayersRefrigerators
ScannersServersShredded Paper
Soda BottlesSoda CanSodium-Vapor Lamps (HID)
Tapes-Video / VHSTelephonesTelevision Accessories
TetraPak CartonThermostatThin-Film Solar Panels (CdTe)
ToastersToilet Bowl CleanerToner Cartridges
Two-Way RadiosTypewritersUsed Oil
Vacuum CleanersVCRsVideo Game Cartridges
Video Game ConsolesVideo Game PeripheralsVinyl Records
WashersWashing MachinesWeeds
Wet-Strength PaperboardWoodWood Chips
Xenon Short-Arc Lamps (HID)Yard Waste