Junk King Nashville - 125 Space Park S Dr

Contact Information
125 Space Park S Dr, Nashville, TN 37211, United States

More Information

For more than 37 years AutoZone has been committed to providing the best parts prices and customer service in the automotive aftermarket industry. We have a rich culture and history of going the Extra Mile for our customers and our community. Today AutoZone is the leading retailer and a leading distributor of automotive replacement parts and accessories in the U.S. Use the links below to find out how we began where we’re headed and how you can play a role.

Material Accepted
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#1 Plastic Beverage Bottles#1 Plastic Non-Beverage Bottles#2 Plastic Bottles
#2 Plastic Jugs-Clear#2 Plastic Jugs-Colored#3 PVC
#4 LDPE#5 PolyPropylene#6 Styrofoam (polystyrene)
#7 OtherABSAcrylic
Acrylonitrile ButadieneAir ConditionersAlkaline Batteries
Arts and Crafts SuppliesAsphaltAsphalt Shingles
Audio EquipmentAutomotiveBamboo
BatteriesBeverage Container / CRVBlue Glass Beverage Containers
Blue Glass ContainersBoomboxesBranches
BrickBrown Glass Beverage ContainersBrown Glass Containers
BrushButton Cell BatteriesCables
CapsCar & Marine BatteriesCar Batteries
CarpetCarpet PaddingCassette Players
Cassette TapesCD PlayersCDs
Ceiling TileCell Phone AccessoriesCell Phones
Ceramic TileChristmas TreesClear Glass Beverage Containers
Clear Glass ContainersCompostable PlasticsComputer Peripherals
ConcreteConstructionConstruction Debris
Construction MaterialsContaminated SoilContaminated Wood
Corrugated CardboardCottonCRT Computer Monitors
CRT TelevisionsCurling IronsDehumidifiers
Desktop ComputersDigital CamerasDirt
DVD PlayersDVDsElastane
FiberglassFirewall EquipmentsFloppy Disks
GPS SystemsGrass ClippingsGreen Glass Beverage Containers
Green Glass ContainersGreeting CardsGrocery Bag
Hard DrivesHardwareHay
Hazardous WasteHeatersHemp
HIPSHousehold FurnitureHoverboards
HumidifiersInkjet CartridgesIP Telephones
Junk MailKevlarLaptop Computers
LatexLCD Computer MonitorsLCD Flatscreen Televisions
Lead-acid Batteries-Non AutomotiveLeatherLeaves
Light FixtureLights BallastsLinen
LinoleumLithium BatteriesLithium-ion Batteries
ManureMarine BatteriesMattresses
Medical Equipment-HandheldMedical Equipment-LargeMicrowaves
Milk/Juice CartonsMixed PaperMP3 Players
Multi-wall Paper BagsNeon LightNeoprene
Network SwitchesNewspaperNickel-cadmium Batteries
Nickel-metal Hydride BatteriesNickel-zinc BatteriesNon-corrugated Cardboard
Non-Organic Food WasteNylonOffice Paper
Office PartitionOrganic Food WasteOvens
Packing PeanutsPagersPallets
PaperPaper BagsPaper Cups
Paper LabelsPaper ShreddersPaper Sleeves
Paperback BooksPaperboardPhone Books
PolyurethanePorcelain ProductsPower Tools
PrintersProjection TelevisionsProjectors
Record PlayersRefrigeratorsRigid Plastic
Roofing MaterialsSandSawdust
Shredded PaperSilkSilver-oxide Batteries
Tapes-LTOTapes-Video / VHSTelephones
Television AccessoriesTextilesToasters
Toner CartridgesTwo-Way RadiosTypewriters
Used ClothingVacuum CleanersVCRs
Video Game CartridgesVideo Game ConsolesVideo Game Peripherals
Vinyl RecordsWashersWashing Machines
WeedsWet-Strength PaperboardWindows
WoodWood ChipsWood Furnishings
WoolYard WasteZinc-air Batteries
Zinc-carbon Batteries