Junk King St. Petersburg - 8596 Seminole Blvd

Contact Information
8596 Seminole Blvd, St. Petersburg, FL 33772, United States

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The #1 Rated Junk Removal Service. We provide superior value service and effort

Material Accepted
Residential Drop-off Residential Pickup Business Drop-off Business Pickup

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#1 Plastic Beverage Bottles#1 Plastic Non-Beverage Bottles#2 Plastic Bottles
#2 Plastic Jugs-Clear#2 Plastic Jugs-Colored#3 PVC
#4 LDPE#5 PolyPropylene#6 Styrofoam (polystyrene)
#7 OtherABSAcrylic
Acrylonitrile ButadieneAir ConditionersArts and Crafts Supplies
AsphaltAsphalt ShinglesBamboo
Beverage Container / CRVBlue Glass Beverage ContainersBlue Glass Containers
Brown Glass Beverage ContainersBrown Glass ContainersBrush
Carpet PaddingCassette PlayersCassette Tapes
CD PlayersCDsCeiling Tile
Cell Phone AccessoriesCell PhonesCeramic Tile
Christmas TreesClear Glass Beverage ContainersClear Glass Containers
Compostable PlasticsComputer PeripheralsConcrete
ConstructionConstruction DebrisConstruction Materials
Contaminated SoilContaminated WoodCorrugated Cardboard
CottonCRT Computer MonitorsCRT Televisions
Curling IronsDehumidifiersDesktop Computers
Digital CamerasDirtDoor
DryersDrywallDVD Players
Firewall EquipmentsFloppy DisksFreezers
GardenGlassGPS Systems
Grass ClippingsGreen Glass Beverage ContainersGreen Glass Containers
Greeting CardsGrocery BagHard Drives
HardwareHayHazardous Waste
Household FurnitureHoverboardsHumidifiers
Inkjet CartridgesIP TelephonesJunk Mail
KevlarLaptop ComputersLatex
LCD Computer MonitorsLCD Flatscreen TelevisionsLeather
LeavesLight FixtureLights Ballasts
MattressesMedical Equipment-HandheldMedical Equipment-Large
MicrowavesMilk/Juice CartonsMixed Paper
MP3 PlayersMulti-wall Paper BagsNeon Light
NeopreneNetwork SwitchesNewspaper
Non-corrugated CardboardNylonOffice Paper
Office PartitionOvensPacking Peanuts
Paper BagsPaper CupsPaper Labels
Paper ShreddersPaper SleevesPaperback Books
PaperboardPhone BooksPlastics
Porcelain ProductsPower ToolsPrinters
Projection TelevisionsProjectorsPVC
RayonReceiversRecord Players
RefrigeratorsRigid PlasticRoofing Materials
ServersShoesShredded Paper
Tapes-DLTTapes-LTOTapes-Video / VHS
TelephonesTelevision AccessoriesTextiles
ToastersToner CartridgesTwo-Way Radios
TypewritersUsed ClothingVacuum Cleaners
VCRsVideo Game CartridgesVideo Game Consoles
Video Game PeripheralsVinyl RecordsWashers
Washing MachinesWeedsWet-Strength Paperboard
WindowsWoodWood Chips
Wood FurnishingsWoolYard Waste