Quarantine Rd. Convenient Citizen Drop-off - 6100 Quarantine Rd

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When you recycle it helps to protect Baltimore City’s environment and our region by reducing trash preventing pollution decreasing emissions of greenhouse gases which affect our climate and reduces the number of items that are dumped into our landfills or would need to be incinerated.

Material Accepted
Residential Drop-off Residential Pickup Business Drop-off Business Pickup

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#1 Plastic Beverage Bottles#2 Plastic Bottles#3 PVC
#4 LDPE#5 PolyPropylene#6 Styrofoam (polystyrene)
#7 OtherAir ConditionersAluminum
Aluminum CanArts and Crafts SuppliesAutomotive
Beverage Container / CRVBike Tires & IntertubesBlue Glass Beverage Containers
Blue Glass ContainersBranchesBrown Glass Beverage Containers
Brown Glass ContainersBrushCables
CapsCar & Truck TiresChristmas Trees
Clear Glass Beverage ContainersClear Glass ContainersComputer Peripherals
ConstructionCorrugated CardboardCRT Computer Monitors
CRT TelevisionsDesktop ComputersDirt
GardenGlassGrass Clippings
Green Glass Beverage ContainersGreen Glass ContainersGreeting Cards
Hard DrivesHazardous WasteJunk Mail
Laptop ComputersLCD Computer MonitorsLCD Flatscreen Televisions
Milk/Juice CartonsMixed PaperMotor Oil
NewspaperOffice PaperOrganic Food Waste
PaperPaper BagsPaper Cups
Paper LabelsPaper SleevesPaperback Books
PaperboardPhone BooksPlastics
PrintersRigid PlasticScanners
Shredded PaperStumpsWashers
WeedsWoodWood Chips
Yard Waste